Integrated circuit bonding pads including conductive layers with arrays of unaligned spaced apart insulating islands therein and methods of forming same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6552438
APP PUB NO 20010000928A1





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Bonding pads for integrated circuits include first and second spaced apart conductive layers, a third continuous conductive layer between the first and second spaced apart and an array of unaligned spaced apart insulating islands in the third continuous conductive layer and extending therethrough such that sidewalls of the array of insulating islands are surrounded by the third continuous conductive layer, rows of unaligned spaced apart insulating islands. The array can include rows of unaligned spaced apart insulating islands and columns of unaligned spaced apart insulating islands. The array of unaligned spaced apart insulating islands can also include a first insulating island having a first edge in a first direction and a second insulating island, adjacent to the first insulating island in the first direction having a second edge in the first direction that is unaligned with first edge.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ahn, Jong-hyon Kyungki-do, KR 41 352
Jung, Moo-jin Kyunggi-do, KR 1 16
Kim, Young-pill Kyoungk-do, KR 1 16
Lee, Hyae-ryoung Kyungki-do, KR 10 338
Lee, Soo-cheol Seoul, KR 47 604
Shin, Heon-jong Kyungki-do, KR 59 500
Son, Kyoung-mok Seoul, KR 4 40
Wang, Son-jong Kyounggi-do, KR 1 16
Yoo, Jae-Cheol Kyounggi-do, KR 2 21

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