Method and apparatus for the addition and removal of nodes from a common interconnect

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6314461
APP PUB NO 20010001151A1





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An electronic system interconnect. The interconnect comprises a first node and a second node coupled to the first node. The interconnect is initially configured to include the first and second nodes. A third node is added to the interconnect after the interconnect is initially configured, and the first node responds to the addition of the third node by initiating a new connect handshake with the third node. The first node begins by transmitting a first signal to the third node. The first node signals that the third node has been added to the interconnect if the third node responds to the first signal by transmitting a second signal. The first node causes the interconnect to be reconfigured if the third node transmits a third signal in response to receiving the first signal.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Duckwall, William S Santa Cruz, CA 22 892
Teener, Michael D Santa Cruz, CA 23 1781

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