Porous membrane structure and method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6676993
APP PUB NO 20010018096A1





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A method of treating a membrane comprises the steps of providing a membrane with surfaces that define a plurality of pores extending through the membrane. Providing a dispersion of oleophobic fluoropolymer solids. Stabilizing the dispersion with a stabilizing agent. Diluting the dispersion with a wetting agent. Wetting surfaces which define the pores in the membrane with the diluted and stabilized dispersion. Removing the wetting agent and the stabilizing agent from the membrane. Coalescing the oleophobic fluoropolymer solids of the dispersion on surfaces that define pores in the membrane. A composite membrane comprises a porous membrane having a plurality of interconnecting pores extending through the membrane and made from a material which tends to absorb oils and certain contaminating surfactants. A coating is disposed on surfaces of the nodes and fibrils defining the interconnecting passages in the membrane. The coating comprises oleophobic fluoropolymer solids coalesced on surfaces of the nodes and fibrils to provide oil and surfactant resistance to the composite membrane without completely blocking pores in the membrane. The composite membrane is gas permeable, liquid penetration resistant and capable of moisture vapor transmission at a rate of at least 70,000 gr/m.sup.2 day.

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Klare, Robert John Oxford, PA 8 245

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