System for the production of a dynamic image for display

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6665108
APP PUB NO 20030035190A1





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A system for the production of a dynamic image for use in display applications includes a light source (16) which travels via a liquid crystal modulator (18) placed in the path of the light source (16). The output of the LC modulator (18) passes modulated light a lens ray (22) which itself guides light to an optically addressed spatial light modulator (24). The resulting real image from the optically addressed spatial light modulator (24) may be used in two dimensional and three dimensional displays. The addressing frame-rate of the liquid crystal modulator (18) is substantially greater than the frame-rate of the optically addressed spatial light modulator (24).

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Patent Owner(s)

  • F. POSZAT HU, L.L.C.

International Classification(s)

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Brown, Carl V Oxford, GB 4 79
Stanley, Maurice Malvern, GB 17 356

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