Unique person registry

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7725479





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A computer-based method is provided for registering a person in a person registry. The method includes: if a unique person identifier is not received, searching an address book for a match to the person using a search criteria input by a user; and if no match to the person is found, receiving person data input by a user and determining whether the person data satisfies a minimum data requirement, wherein the person data is representative of the person, if it is determined that the minimum data requirement is satisfied, determining whether there is a shared entity that represents the person, and if it is determined that no shared entity represents the person, based on an outcome of a non-shared entity-shared entity reconciliation, either defining a shared entity to represent the person in the address book, transforming a non-shared entity into a shared entity, or transferring data from a non-shared entity to a shared entity.

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Cornacchia,, III Louis G 110 Ocean Blvd. 4 4

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