System and method for automatic call flow detection

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8423635
APP PUB NO 20080304650A1





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A method and exploration engine for automatically detecting a call flow path of a voice application having a plurality of dialog states, the method comprising the steps of: identifying, in an automated manner, the plurality of dialog states of the voice application through execution of the voice application; and identifying at least one relationship between the plurality of dialog states. The method may further comprise some of the following steps: creating a unique identifier (ID) for one of the plurality of dialog states, wherein the unique ID is based on information received when executing the voice application, wherein the information comprises attributes associated with one of the plurality of dialog states; storing the unique ID and other information associated with the dialog state; and graphically illustrating a call flow path of the voice application based on the unique ID and other information stored in the database.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Catlin, Jon Fountain Hills, US 3 69
Rush, James Bryan Litchfield Park, US 3 69

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