Knob handle for transmitting a torque to cables, tubes, or the like

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8011067
APP PUB NO 20090124398A1





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A handle (10) is suitable for transmitting a torque between a rotation knob and a respective output shaft connectable to cables, tubes, or the like, wherein said handle comprises at least first and second transmission lines which operate between a first rotation knob (12) and a first output shaft (22) and between a second rotation knob (14) and a second output shaft (24), respectively. The first and second rotation knobs are co-axially arranged along a common axis (X). The first and second output shafts are arranged on different axes (X, Y). The handle comprises a lock-out mechanism suitable for selecting between the first transmission line and the second transmission line thus preventing the rotation of the one rotation knob while the other is being rotated. The lock-out mechanism alternatively operates on the one of the rotation knobs, while the other is released due to the relative translation of the knobs along the common axis (XI between a first relative position and a second relative position and vice versa.

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Thompson, Brian James Cincinnati, US 6 1266

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