Using hidden secrets and token devices to create secure volumes

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8656179
APP PUB NO 20100228990A1





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A system for encrypting Secure Volumes using an encryption key which is saved in the open after being encoded inside a hardware token device utilizing a secure secret which is stored inside the device, and which never leaves the device. The encrypted volume can be accessed again only after a hardware token has decoded this encryption key. The system also provides means whereby the holder of a Master token and the holder of a Grand Master token may also have access to the volume as long as the user token was previously registered to the Master token, and the Master Token was previously registered to the Grand master token before the secured volume was encrypted. Also, the system allows members of user groups so designated at the time the volume is encrypted, to be able to have access to the volume as long as their token was previously registered with the same Master Token as the user that encrypted the volume and as long as the token encrypting the volume was also a member of the authorized user group.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Billings, John A Independence, US 4 21
Billings, Roger E Independence, US 19 328

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