Adaptive, ergonomic, multi-purpose hand-held tool with flexible drive shaft

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8240055
APP PUB NO 20110036611A1





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An adaptive, ergonomic designed multi-purpose air motor driven hand-held trimmer that uses the air motor as the handle, has the air motor offset at an angle of 25 degrees to the fore and aft axis of the base plate and downward 10 degrees, to thereby have the center of gravity as near as possible to the wrist of the operator so that there will not be a constant bending of the wrist or exerting of constant hard pressure on the tissue at the base of the hand, thus virtually eliminating the possibility of the operator acquiring the carpal tunnel syndrome. Further disclosed are particular flexible drive shafts which may be used in the tool.

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Gooding, Elwyn Ann Arbor, US 7 252

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