Coupler with pivoting front hook lock

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8585345
APP PUB NO 20110286788A1





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An attachment coupler includes a frame including a front hook and rear hook. A rear hook lock moves between an unlocked and a locked position relative to the rear hook. An actuator moves the rear hook lock to its unlocked and locked positions. A gravity lock moves between an engaged and a disengaged position and obstructs movement of the rear hook lock to its unlocked position when the gravity lock is engaged. A supplemental lock arm moves relative to the frame between an engaged position and a disengaged position. A secondary lock is located adjacent the front hook and includes a latch that moves between an extended and a retracted position. The latch obstructs the front hook when extended. The supplemental lock arm blocks movement of the latch from its extended position to its retracted position when the supplemental lock arm is in its engaged position. A spring urges the latch toward its extended position.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Daraie, Shadruz Fairlawn, US 10 110
Sikorski, Robert J Stow, US 4 30

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