Low-floor railcar bogie and low-floor railcar including the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8794160
APP PUB NO 20120060719A1





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A low-floor railcar bogie of the present invention includes: a bogie frame including a pair of left and right side beams and a cross beam, each of the left and right side beams including a front portion, an intermediate portion, and a rear portion in a vehicle longitudinal direction, the intermediate portion being located at a position lower than the front portion and the rear portion, the cross beam connecting the intermediate portions of the pair of side beams each other; a pair of front and rear axle beams formed separately from the bogie frame, respectively located on a front side and rear side of the cross beam, and each extending in a vehicle width direction; independent wheels rotatably supported by left and right side portions of the axle beams, respectively; primary suspensions configured to elastically couple the front and rear portions of the side beams and the left and right side portions of the axle beams; and secondary suspensions provided on upper surfaces of the front and rear portions of the side beams.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kamura, Keiichiro Kobe, JP 19 66
Nishimura, Takehiro Kobe, JP 64 351
Sakamoto, Junichi Kobe, JP 121 1234

Cited Art Landscape

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11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Feb 5, 2026
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