Apparatus and system for augmented detainee restraint

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8839796





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There is provided a device and system for restraining detainees through devices attached to the detainees and configured to administer electrical shocks when certain predetermined conditions occur. Restraining devices may be activated by internal control systems or by external controllers that transmit activation signals to the restraining device. External controllers may be actuated by an external controlling entity such as a detention guard or other person or system, or may be controlled by an enabling signal sent by wired or wireless connections to the controller. There is also provided a system for detainee restraint where multiple detainees may be restrained collectively or individually in a controlled environment such as a detention facility, a jail, or a detainee transport vehicle.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Lockwood, Lucius L Phoenix, US 8 293
Pegg, Donald L Chandler, US 2 34
Reese, Corbin Scottsdale, US 2 34

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