Mechanism and chair for powered combined and independent seat back and leg rest motion

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8608240
APP PUB NO 20130062914A1





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A furniture member mechanism includes a first actuator device electrically operated to displace first and second seat back actuation links connected to and operating to rotate a seat back member between upright and fully reclined positions. A pantograph linkage set connected to a leg rest member is at least partially supported in an extended position by rotational contact with a support rod. A second actuator device identical to the first actuator device is electrically operated to axially rotate a drive rod connected to a drive link. The drive link is connected to and displaces the pantograph linkage set between the stowed and extended positions. A swing lever rotatably connected to the support rod is rotated during operation of the second actuator device to extend the pantograph linkage set. The swing lever in a fully rotated position displaces the support rod creating a furniture member tilt position.

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International Classification(s)

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Adams, Chad E Perrysburg, US 30 425
Cole,, II Eugene Maumee, US 3 64
LaPointe, Larry P Temperance, US 146 2948
Marshall, Richard E Monroe, US 30 773

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