Cable tie

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10301089
APP PUB NO 20170297794A1





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A cable tie (1) having a material strip (11), a fastening head (2) that has a first opening (30) provided with a ratchet (34) and protrudes with respect to the longitudinal axis of material strip (11), an insertion element (15) arranged to be introduced in the fastening head (2), first opening (30) passing longitudinally through the fastening head (2) between an entry (31), at a free end of fastening head (2), and an exit (32), ending towards a junction area (16) between material strip (11) and fastening head (2). The fastening head (2) has a second opening (40) that passes transversely therethrough and arranged between junction area (16) and the first opening (30) so that, during a tying position of the cable tie (1), the exit (32) of first opening (30) ends inside of the loop and faces towards second opening (40).

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Rollier, Daniel Muttenz, CH 1 1

Cited Art Landscape

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