Solute concentration decision method and water quality management method for steam turbine plant

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 12025305
APP PUB NO 20220290858A1





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A solute concentration decision method for deciding a planned value CI of a concentration of a solute in a solution to be supplied to a first drum among one or more steam drums for temporarily containing steam generated in a boiler of a steam turbine plant includes a step of deciding the planned value CI of the concentration of the solute in the solution to be supplied to the first drum, on the basis of a target concentration of the solute in the solution in the first drum and a capacity coefficient of the solute in a drum unit including the first drum and an evaporator for generating steam contained in the first drum.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hamasaki, Akihiro Kanagawa, JP 7 4
Kido, Haruka Kanagawa, JP 5 2
Nakamoto, Mitsuru Kanagawa, JP 2 1
Tsubakizaki, Senichi Kanagawa, JP 3 2

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