System for Raising and Lowering Furniture

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United States of America Patent

APP PUB NO 20240156274A1





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A system for raising and lowering furniture, comprising: a dwelling unit comprising a dwelling residential zone for occupants and a storage zone for furnishings above the residential dwelling zone; at least one lifting device attached to an item of furniture; at least one runner attached to the item of furniture; and at least one vertical channel adapted to engage with the at least one runner as the item of furniture is raised or lowered to or from a storage zone above the room; whereby the furniture is supported by the connection to the lifting device; whereby the at least one runner travels along the at least one channel as the item of furniture is raised or lowered is disclosed. A system for adjusting the height of fixtures in a dwelling unit, comprising at least one lifter with a base below the floor line of the dwelling and extending through the floor of the dwelling wherein the lifter is adapted to lower the fixture down to or near floor level is also disclosed. A system for rearranging the furniture in a room, comprising: at least one lifter with a base below the floor line of the room and extending through the floor of the room wherein the lifter is adapted to lower the fixture down to or near floor level; at least one lifting device attached to an item of furniture; at least one runner attached to the item of furniture; and at least one vertical channel adapted to interact with the at least one runner as the item of furniture is raised or lowered to or from a space above the room; whereby the furnishing is supported by the connection to the lifting device; and whereby the at least one runner travels along the at least one channel as the item of furniture is raised or lowered is also disclosed.

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Patent Owner(s)

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hall, David R Provo, US 1288 20213
Jensen, Benjamin Orem, US 26 41
Marshall, Jonathon Mapleton, US 6 2

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