Cord Lock for Tightening and Loosening Cord by Clockwise and Anticlockwise Rotation

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United States of America Patent

APP PUB NO 20240167536A1





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A cord lock for tightening and loosening cord by clockwise and anticlockwise rotation, having a knob, a pawl plate, a hub, a clutch, and a reel. The object is of the present invention to loosen and tighten the cord is achieved by assembly of the knob, the pawl plate, the hub, the clutch and the reel through clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of the knob. When two ends of a cord are wound in the slots after being threaded through cord holes from cord platforms, the cord can be tightened and loosened alternatively by rotating the knob clockwise or anticlockwise. As the knob rotates clockwise, the clutch and the reel mesh to drive the reel to rotate clockwise, and the cord can be tightened; as the knob rotates anticlockwise, the clutch can elastically deform to disengage the wedge-shaped stoppers from the reel, and the reel can freely rotate to loosen the cord.

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JIANG, Xinyue Nanchang, CN 1 0

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