Blood oxygenator

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4182739





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A blood oxygenator wherein blood and oxygen are admixed by flowing blood, into which has been introduced bubbles of oxygen, through a three-dimensional, open cellular mixing material having a substantial void volume. The resulting arterialized blood and blood foam rise to the top of the admixing chamber and are contained in a channel located at the top of the chamber and directed through this channel to the input of a defoamer chamber. A defoamer filter of annular configuration is retained within the defoamer chamber such that the defoamer inlet is located at the top of the defoamer filter within the interior annular space thereof. The blood foam thus enters the interior of the defoamer filter and is distributed over a substantial portion of the defoamer surface and collapsed therein to remove substantially all entrapped gases. The oxygenated defoamed blood collects at the bottom of the defoamer chamber for return to the patient's body. In the preferred embodiment, the defoamer chamber is provided with an unobstructed annular defoamer filter inlet opening for enhanced contacting of the defoaming material by the blood and blood foam while minimizing blood hemolysis, and an integral vent which permits the entrapped gases to be exhausted from the oxygenator either by free flow or by a vacuum source.

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Curtis, Robert M Laguna Niguel, CA 14 498

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