Hydrogen fuel systems

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4253428





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A hydrogen fuel system for use in conjunction with and as an alternative to a hydrocarbon fuel system in a motor vehicle or other apparatus having a combustion unit and a mixing device for mixing hydrogen gas with air for introduction into the combustion unit. The hydrogen fuel system includes a hydrogen storage tank for holding hydrogen under pressure, a conduit for conveying hydrogen gas from the tank to the mixing unit, and a solenoid disposed in the conduit and responsive to a first signal for allowing the flow of hydrogen gas to the mixing unit, and responsive to a second signal for preventing flow of hydrogen gas to the mixing unit. Also included is a hydrocarbon fuel tank, a conduit for conveying fuel from the fuel tank to the combustion unit, and a fuel pump responsive to the first signal for preventing flow of fuel from the fuel tank to the combustion unit, and responsive to the second signal for pumping fuel to the combustion unit. A two-position, manually operable switch is provided to produce the first signal when in a first setting and the second signal when in a second setting.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Anderson, Vaughn R 217 N. 260 West, Orem, UT 84057 7 162
Billings, Roger E 865 N. 1250 West, Provo, UT 84601 19 328
Woolley, Ronald L 427 E. 1070 South, Orem, UT 84057 4 150

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