Apparatus for climbing trees, poles and the like and being remotely controlled from ground elevation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4793439





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Apparatus for climbing trees, poles and other like objects includes a main frame having a hydraulically driven telescoping mast disposed in telescoping relation therewith. Upper and lower hydraulically energized gripping apparatus is provided respectively on said hydraulically driven telescoping mast and main frame and include gripping arms for establishing gripping relation with said object. The apparatus includes power and control circuitry for inducing telescoping movement to the hydraulically driven telescoping mast, actuation of the upper and lower gripping apparatus and for operating various winches that enable the apparatus to lift objects relative to the apparatus. The upper and lower gripping apparatus incorporates pressure energized safety lock-out apparatus that insures that at least one of the upper or lower gripping apparatus remains in gripping relation with the object to prevent falling of the apparatus. A manual override system, actuatable only at ground level is provided to permit simultaneous opening of the upper and lower gripping apparatus when the tree climbing apparatus is assembled to or removed from the tree or pole.

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Crawford, Homer S 4418 Shingle Oak La., Houston, TX 77008 1 14

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