Apparatus and method for digital data transmission

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4806907





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An apparatus and method for encoding a digital data signal, which apparatus and method converts a digital data signal to a string of truncated and extended pulses, the truncated pulses corresponding to a digital '0' and the extended pulses corresponding to a digital '1'. The frequency of the leading edges of all of the pulses in this pulse string is the clock frequency such that a clock signal can be generated by the receiver directly to synchronize the receiver to the transmitter. Further, the trailing edge of the transmitted pulses contain the data information. Specifically, the pulses are varied in length with a truncated pulse corresponding to a digital '0' and an elongated pulse corresponding to a digital '1'. A decoding apparatus is also described for decoding the encoded signal to generate a digital signal corresponding to the original data signal to be encoded.

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Furgason, Leon M P.O. Box AK, Harlowton, MT 59036 1 1

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