Single power source magnetic bearing device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5066879





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A magnetic bearing device that incorporates a magnetic movable member, a first supporting member having a first coil and a permanent magnet, a second supporting member having a second coil and a permanent magnet, state detecting means for detecting the displacement of the movable member, a first and second wirings for applying current, and switches connected to the first and second wirings for switching the direction of current applied to the first and second coils. The first and second supporting members are located so as to position the movable member between them. During operation, the movable member is magnetically supported so as not to be in contact with either of the supporting members. The first wiring has a first switch circuit connected to a first drive circuit, wherein the bottom end of the first coil is connected between the first switch circuit and the first drive circuit. The first and second wirings are connected in parallel between a dc power source and ground. The second wiring has a second switch circuit connected to a second drive circuit, and the bottom end of the second coil is connected between the second switch circuit and the second drive circuit. The switches operate by switching to either a simultaneous closing state of the first switch circuit and the second drive circuit or a simultaneous closing state of the second switch circuit and the first drive circuit according to the state detecting means.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Yamamura, Akira Tokyo, JP 28 358

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