Seaplane docking facility and telescoping hangar

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5551366





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A floating seaplane docking facility provides for the completed removal from the water of a seaplane, amphibious aircraft, or surface effect vehicle for ease of boarding and departing, maintenance and inspection, etc. The facility includes a non-buoyant hinged ramp with relatively low friction coefficient tracks or skids for the floats or hull of the aircraft, which tracks may be positioned as required for aircraft of different dimensions. A turntable is included in the ramp, allowing seaplanes to be taxied up onto the ramp and tracks as they are lowered into the water, and turned for maintenance and/or for ease of departing the ramp. The apparatus allows for manual or powered operation by a single person, thereby eliminating need for additional crew. A collapsible, telescoping hangar is also disclosed, which hangar may be installed in combination with the above described floating seaplane dock and is also adaptable for use by land based aircraft.

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Kavanaugh, E Clinch 102 N. Sixth St., Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 1 4

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