Suspension device for reducing transmission of shock through bicycle components

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5704626





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A shock vibration transmission reducing suspension device includes an outer tube for mounting to a bicycle frame, a lower guide element having a rectangular bore and stationarily secured in the outer tube between and spaced from an open top end and closed bottom end thereof, an upper guide element having a circular opening and fixedly secured in the outer tube adjacent to its open top end, an inner shaft disposed within the outer tube and extending upwardly through the open top end thereof to support a bicycle seat mounting assembly above the bicycle frame and being received through the lower and upper guide elements such that the inner shaft is disposed and guided to undergo sliding movement axially along the outer tube such that an upper portion of the inner shaft can progressively extend from and retract into the open top end of the outer tube, and a stack of resiliently compressible elastomeric elements disposed in the outer tube below a lower end of the inner shaft so as to support the inner shaft and absorb a shock imparted to the outer tube by permitting the inner shaft to slidably move further into the outer tube toward a depressed position while causing the inner shaft to slidably move out of the outer tube toward an extended position upon cessation of the shock.

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Kesinger, Donald A P.O. Box 396, Morrison, CO 80465 14 292

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