Anatomically compensating size varying and adjustable shock absorbing split bicycle seat

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5823618





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A pedestal seat having an adjustable base for supporting a first resilient suspension system for a pair of separate and spaced-apart cushioned body halves adapted for independent articulation with respect to each other is disclosed. A second resilient suspension system is disposed in each of the of the respective body halves adapted to bear against skeleton contact points of the user's torso. The first suspension system employs a pair of leaf springs having opposite ends attached to each of the respective body halves with a coil spring interconnecting one end of each leaf spring with a selected end of each body half. The adjustable base releasably secures the midsection of each leaf spring to a common pedestal or stanchion. The second suspension system includes several helical springs arranged in parallel relationship in each body half occupying a pocket area within a surrounding cushion so that the cushions of the body halves cooperate to provide comfort and shock absorbing capabilities in combination with the first suspension system.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fox, Harry M 14130 Mulholland Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210 1 94
Fox, Joyce L 14130 Mulholland Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210 1 94

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