Multiple electronic purse parking meter

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6111522





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A dual processor electronic parking meter (EPM) accepts a plurality of ISO compliant smart cards and authorizes payment of purchased time. The EPM of the invention is equipped with a card reader module (CRM) which accepts/validates transactions effected on smart cards, and also accepts a interface card for connection to a data terminal for revenue collection, meter configuration and meter firmware maintenance. The EPM includes a multi-lingual, intelligent, mixed-mode graphics and icon based display with greater visibility. When the EPM is idle, various sections of the meter are in a sleep mode for prolonging the life of the batteries. The EPM wakes up whenever a card is in the CRM, a coin is inserted, or a key for selecting the parking time and the type of operation is actuated. The EPM is easy to use by both the parking time purchaser and the money collector. The EPM contains a large memory and can be reprogrammed in the field to support new cards, different user languages, and system parameters such as rate, off time, or minimum purchased time. It is off-the-shelf solution provided with protection circuitry and designed to be used in unattended locations.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Doucette, John Daniel Halifax, CA 1 160
Erskine, Neil Stuart Halifax, CA 13 497
Fill, Gregory Andrew Kempville, CA 1 160
Hiltz, Kenneth Scott Halifax, CA 1 160

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