Combined dry dock and boat launching apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6477968
APP PUB NO 20010015163A1





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In a first embodiment the combination boat dry dock and boat launching apparatus includes two planar dock sections pivotally connected to each other. The dock sections include cradle straps for supporting the hull of a boat with the longitudinal axis of the boat in substantial parallel relationship with the pivot axis of the dock sections. Each dock section is supported by two pontoons attached at proximal and distal portions of the dock sections. The two pontoons at respective proximal portions of the dock sections may be flooded with water to allow the proximal portions of the dock sections to descend below water level for launching of a boat. Air is introduced into these two pontoons for expelling water and thereby raising the dock sections above the water level. In a second embodiment, a constant buoyancy pontoon is mounted to each dock section intermediate the other pontoons. A pump and conduits transfer water between the proximal and distal pontoons of each dock section.

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Powell, Larry James 64 N. Caliboque Rd., Hilton Head, SC 29928 1 28

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