Multiple tool attachment system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7121489





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A multiple tool attachment system is adapted to be attached to demolition equipment. The system includes a universal body attached to the demolition equipment. A series of tools are independently attachable to the universal body. The universal body includes a guide slot extending longitudinally along the universal body. Each tool generally includes a pair of pivotable jaws adapted to be pivotably attached to the universal body with at least one linkage extending from the universal body and attachable to each jaw of the tool. A slide member is received within the guide slot, with each linkage attached to the slide member, and a piston cylinder arrangement is attached to the universal body and coupled to the slide member for moving the slide member and the jaws. The multiple tool attachment system is provided with quick change features and is designed to optimize the cutting characteristics throughout the movement cycle.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ramun, John R Poland, OH 40 521

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