Bicycle seat

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7494181
APP PUB NO 20080054689A1





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An apparatus and method for supporting the rider of a pedaled device, such as a bicycle. One preferred apparatus includes first and second seat portions independently pivotable about a generally horizontal axis normal to a frame plane of the bicycle to allow, during bike pedaling, substantially unimpeded downward movement of the rear of the rider's upper-thighs, while the rider's buttocks remain free to contact the seat portions. The seat portions are preferably configured to jointly support the rider and to provide a gap for the rider's groin. The seat portions are preferably secured to the bicycle frame in a manner that allows adjustable lateral rotation in relation to the bicycle frame, further facilitating the rider's freedom of movement during pedaling.

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Tucker, Samuel 110 Kay St. 6 82

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