Racing facility pit system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7731447





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A racing facility with a racing surface and a pit road. The pit road includes an pit road entrance connected to the racing surface, a plurality of pit walls defining a plurality of elongate pit boxes/stops each connected at a first end thereof to the pit road entrance, wherein the pit boxes are arranged in a side by side configuration and are arranged at an angle with respect to the pit road entrance and wherein the pit walls are movable such that a given pit box can be defined on a left side or a right side of a respective pit wall. The pit road also includes a pit road exit connected to the pit boxes at opposite second ends thereof wherein at least a portion of the pit road exit is arranged substantially parallel to at least a portion of the pit road entrance. The pit road entrance and/or pit road exit can intersect the racing surfaces at acute angles. The pit boxes can intersect one or both of the entrance and pit road exits at acute angles. Pit wall supports can be permanent or portable and can include resilient impact absorbing surfaces. Fixed designators indicate assigned pit boxes.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Dunwoody, Harold J 27271 Trefoil St. 1 2

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