Vehicle mist suppression apparatus and method of using same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8226158
APP PUB NO 20120169084A1





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The invention is essentially an apparatus and method for reducing the wheel-spray and the aerodynamic drag of a wheel-set of a vehicle having a framework with preexisting holes, the apparatus comprising a three-dimensionally adjustable support infrastructure anchored to the framework without the need for drilling or welding the support infrastructure to the framework; a three-dimensionally adjustable housing superstructure having a housing having an obtuse-angled forward side and an obtuse-angled rearward side for screening the wheel-set, with the housing affixed between a box-sleeve and a stand-on plate with a plurality of U-bolt fasteners, wherein the box-sleeve defines an interior chamber for receiving a girder; and two attenuation rings inserted along both external ends of the girder to dilute vibration from the vehicle to the housing; and a fastening means comprising a locking cap having domed arches and a transplanar bore, a counter-threaded locking bolt, and a locking pin. A tightening wrench may be used for tightening, and/or loosening the locking cap over a girder lateral terminus. A protective replaceable shield and connectors are also provided to protect and renew the housing side wall exterior surface.

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Jackson, Allen Forrest Little Rock, US 3 45

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