Managing subset of user contacts

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8359548
APP PUB NO 20100042941A1





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Systems, methods, and computer-readable mediums for managing a subset of user contacts on a telecommunications device are provided. In one embodiment, a software application executed by a processor of a telecommunications device identifies a subset of contacts selected at least in part by a user of the telecommunications device. The subset of contacts includes a portion of the user's contacts accessible by the telecommunications device. The software application executed by the processor of the telecommunications device then causes display of a graphical identifier associated with each contact of the subset of contacts in an arrangement on a display of the telecommunications device about an axis positioned external to the display of the telecommunications device. Aspects of systems, methods, and computer-readable mediums for further arranging the graphical identifiers are also provided. Even further, aspects of systems, methods, and computer-readable mediums for providing functionality associated with the graphical identifiers are provided.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Amano-Palacios, Alejandro J Seattle, US 5 218
Benson, Jared Pleasant Hill, US 9 646
Chugh, Jasdeep Singh Renton, US 50 6862
Robertson, Christian Concord, US 62 6804
Shah, Shilpa R Oakland, US 45 5586
Ungari, Joseph L Seattle, US 23 2334
Vance, Michael Steffen Kenmore, US 55 6322
White, Gabriel J San Francisco, US 46 5566

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