Power transmission device and vehicle having the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8539850
APP PUB NO 20110174107A1





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A manual valve is formed with a drain input port that closes if a shift is made to the D position, and opens for draining if a shift is made to the N position. A switching valve communicates an output port of a pressure regulating valve portion and an oil passage of a clutch and closes a drain port during engine operation when a line pressure is applied, and cuts off communication between the output port of the pressure regulating valve portion and the oil passage of the clutch and communicates the oil passage with the drain port during an engine automatic stop when the line pressure is not applied. The drain input port and the drain port are connected by a drain oil passage.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ishikawa, Kazunori Toyota, JP 192 1457
Kato, Kazuhiko Kariya, JP 132 1503
Shimizu, Tetsuya Anjo, JP 173 1551
Tsuchida, Kenichi Hazu-gun, JP 81 467

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