Pneumatic mechanical power source

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8561747
APP PUB NO 20110049909A1





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An mechanical power system provides torque without using a heat engine where fossil-fuel engines have conventionally been used, by replacing the fossil-fuel burning engine with a rotary pneumatic motor and feeding pressure-regulated compressed gas to the rotary pneumatic motor. The rotary pneumatic motor can be used anywhere, and requires preferably compressed nitrogen in a non-liquid state. Automotive, marine and electrical generating applications are adaptable, and auxiliary power is available for emergencies where a supply of compressed gas has been exhausted. A screw-type compressor can be electrically powered to supply compressed gas to the pneumatic motor where tanks of compressed gas have been exhausted. An electrical generating power plant includes an array of solar panels for generating direct current (DC) and a DC/AC converter for converting the DC to alternating current (AC) and outputting a portion of the AC via a power plant output port to supply an AC load.

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Domes, Timothy Plantation, US 4 16

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