Constant recharging air and electric alternating vehicle power system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8701804





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A system for a vehicle. The system includes electric and compressed gas modes, a plurality of electric motors/generators and compressed gas motors, battery arrays, and transfer switches. The plurality of electric motors/generators and compressed gas motors are operatively connected to the wheels of the vehicle. When the system is in the electric mode, a portion of the plurality of electric motors/generators operate as motors and propel the vehicle, while a remaining portion of the plurality of electric motors/generators operate as generators and charge the battery arrays. When the system is in the gas mode, a portion of the plurality of compressed gas motors operate as motors and propel the vehicle. The transfer switches determine automatically—based upon predetermined—when the system should operate in the electric or the compressed gas mode.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Antrobus, Craig L Summerland, CA 1 8

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