Regulation of wavelength shift and perceived color of solid state lighting with temperature variation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8749177
APP PUB NO 20120319585A1





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Representative embodiments of the disclosure provide a system, apparatus, and method of controlling an intensity and spectrum of light emitted from a solid state lighting system. The solid state lighting system has a first emitted spectrum at full intensity and at a selected temperature, with a first electrical biasing for the solid state lighting system producing a first wavelength shift, and a second electrical biasing for the solid state lighting system producing a second, opposing wavelength shift. Representative embodiments provide for receiving information designating a selected intensity level or a selected temperature and providing a combined first electrical biasing and second electrical biasing to the solid state lighting system to generate emitted light having the selected intensity level and having a second emitted spectrum within a predetermined variance of the first emitted spectrum over a predetermined range of temperatures.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Lehman, Bradley M Belmont, US 29 2236
Rodriguez, Harry Gilroy, US 70 5587
Shteynberg, Anatoly San Jose, US 74 6259
Zhou, Dongsheng San Jose, US 57 3839

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