Rule-based prioritization of social data

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8818985
APP PUB NO 20110314029A1





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A method of prioritizing feed items based on rules is provided. User input establishes one or more rules to prioritize a feed item, wherein at least one of the one or more rules incorporates the input data. Such user input may include user-created data or feed metrics. The one or more rules may be weighted. Additional user input configures one or more message cues. A plurality of feed items are prioritized based on the one or more rules. The plurality of feed items are associated with a plurality of feeds, wherein each feed is associated with an object stored in a database system. The plurality of feed items are then displayed in combination with the one or more message cues to a plurality of users of the database system.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fischer, Ronald F San Francisco, US 16 447
Slater, Steve Alamo, US 14 514

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11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Feb 26, 2026
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