Micro-cathode thruster and a method of increasing thrust output for a micro-cathode thruster

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8875485





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A magnetically enhanced micro-cathode thruster assembly for providing long-lasting thrust is provided. The micro-cathode thruster assembly includes a tubular housing, a tubular cathode, an insulator, an anode and a magnetic field. The tubular housing includes an open distal end. The tubular cathode is housed within the housing and includes a distal end positioned proximate the open distal end of the housing. The insulator is in contact with the cathode forming an external cathode-insulator interface. The anode is housed within the housing, proximate the open distal end of the housing. The magnetic field is positioned at or about the external cathode-insulator interface and has magnetic field lines with an incidence angle of about 0 to about 90 degrees and preferably about 4 to about 30 degrees relative to the external cathode-insulator interface.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Keidar, Michael Baltimore, US 39 170
Shashurin, Alexey Arlington, US 22 88
Zhuang, Taisen Arlington, US 57 213

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