Gear actuator

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9109696
APP PUB NO 20110113912A1





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A gear actuator for shifting a gear includes an alley switch actuator, a gear switch actuator and a shift finger, which can be moved by the alley switch actuator and the gear switch actuator for the purpose of transferring a switching movement to the gear. An alley switch sliding element is connected with the alley switch actuator, and a gear switch sliding element is connected with the gear shift actuator. The shift finger is supported movably at the alley switch sliding element and at the gear switch sliding element.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hölscher, Reiner Seelze, DE 9 60
Heurich, Mike Apelern, DE 10 31
Kelpe, Holger Hannover, DE 10 112
Meyer, Ingo Rehburg-Loccum, DE 12 54
Schulz, Marcus Neustadt, DE 13 91
Sievers, Andreas Sehnde, DE 4 18
Spremberg, Jan Sarstedt, DE 5 13
Wiggers, Tino Seelze, DE 11 31

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