Compact self-monitoring self-stabilizing air displacement watercraft lift

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9199705
APP PUB NO 20140251196A1





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A free-floating, compact, self-stabilizing, self-monitoring, remote-controlled, shallow-water, solar, high-speed, air displacement watercraft lift constructed of polyethylene tanks, and non-metallic structure. This device provides vertical lifting by inflating 4 or more air tanks at once using a blower for each tank, pushing water out an exit hole on the bottom of each tank. Each tank has an electric valve for filling and another for exhausting air. Pairs of tanks are pivotally connected along the centerline, and pairs of tanks are connected with a union tube inside the axles. A monitoring system fills the air tanks if air leaks. The width of the lift is adjusted by adjusting the center bunk height, or by adding a spacer.

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Hey, Kenneth E Bellevue, US 22 437

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