Compact type fuel cell supply system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9356445
APP PUB NO 20150295401A1





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This invention provides a kind of compact type fuel cell supply system, consisting of fuel cell, DCDC converting unit, contactor, energy storage device, controller, auxiliary system, power supply output end, operation control unit, with the contactor being a normal open type high-current contactor, the output end of the fuel cell connecting the input end of DCDC converting unit, the DCDC converting unit connecting the energy storage device through the contactor, the output end of DCDC converting unit also connecting the power supply output end and the high-power auxiliary component that the auxiliary system contains, the port of the energy storage device connecting the power supply output end and auxiliary system through the contactor, the operation control unit connecting the energy storage device, DCDC converting unit, controller respectively, the controller connecting the fuel cell, DCDC converting unit, the control end of contactor, the energy storage device and the auxiliary system respectively. This invention, through reducing parts and components, improves system reliability and decreases the volume to make a system have a sufficient space for installation and maintenance, which favors heat dissipation of electronic parts and components. This invention is applicable to forklift in particular.

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Ge, Xuxu Shanghai, CN 6 8

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