In situ production of fertilizer

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9573855
APP PUB NO 20150113870A1





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A system for creating a nitrate combined with a liquid. A corona discharge cell to generate an electrical field. The corona discharge cell further comprising a conduit to pass air through the electrical field to produce nitric oxide NO, wherein the air comprises a mixture of at least nitrogen N2 and oxygen O2, the conduit for combining the nitric oxide NO with the oxygen O2 to form nitrogen dioxide NO2. The corona discharge cell further comprising an injector for combining the nitrogen dioxide NO2 with the liquid to generate nitric acid HNO3 which combines with the liquid to generate the nitrate comprised of nitrate radical NO3 mixed with the liquid.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Keller, Russell J Wake Forrest, US 11 1038

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