Support arrangement with activation mechanism

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9579241
APP PUB NO 20160022513A1





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A support arrangement having an activation mechanism to control the movement of wheels is provided. The support arrangement includes a platform, a chassis attached to the platform, a pair of wheel assemblies movably coupled to the chassis, and the activation mechanism. The pair of wheel assemblies are operable between a first state and a second state. The activation mechanism includes a track having a first stable position and a second stable position spaced along a length of the track, and a pin configured to travel along the track. Wheels are in the first state when the pin is in the first stable position and are in the second state when the pin is in the second stable position.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Dekker, David John Holland, US 1 14
Karsten, Gary Wyoming, US 11 64
Simon, Jeffrey David Portland, US 2 25
Spoor, Travis Ada, US 4 33

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