Closed-die forging method and method of manufacturing forged article

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9610630
APP PUB NO 20140144199A1





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Provided are: a closed-die forging method capable of preventing a temperature decrease in a to-be-forged member during forging, easy temperature monitoring during forging, and filling the cavity end portions of a die with the to-be-forged member; and a method of manufacturing a forged article using the closed-die forging method. The closed-die forging method includes covering a surface of the to-be-forged member (preferably a super-alloy) that contacts the lower die with a metal heat-insulation member (preferably stainless steel) prior to forging, except for at least a part of the surface that contacts an upper die during forging, placing the heated to-be-forged member on a lower die, and hammer-forging the to-be-forged member integrally with the metal heat-insulation member. A forged article is prepared by heat-treating the forged article obtained by the closed-die forging method (preferably in a disk shape) at temperatures not lower than the recrystallization temperature of the forged article.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Sato, Koji Tokyo, JP 449 3979
Shigihara, Yusuke Yasugi, JP 3 7

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