Context transfers and multi-band operation for wireless networks

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9622243
APP PUB NO 20130223377A1





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Various example embodiments are disclosed relating to wireless networks and relating to context transfers and multi-band operation in wireless networks. In an example embodiment, a multi-band scheduler may be provided for use in a wireless node. The multi-band scheduler may be configured to: receive one or more data units of a flow; assign each received data unit of the flow to a first frequency band of a plurality of frequency bands; determine a band transfer condition for the flow; and perform a context transfer from the first frequency band to a second frequency band for the flow based on the determined band transfer condition.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Doppler, Klaus F Albany, US 18 570
Kermoal, Jean-Philippe Copenhagen, DK 9 307
Sorri, Antti S Helsinki, FI 6 257
Wijting, Carl S Espoo, FI 6 236

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