Over-the-stern deep digging trenching plow with instrumentation for assessing the protective capabilities of a seabed trench

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9657455





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A seabed trenching plow has a chassis, a sled and a towing assembly. The towing assembly has a pair of wings extending laterally from each side of the chassis. The wings are aligned on an axis transverse to the chassis and adapted for connection to a towing line. The transverse axis is forward of the center of gravity of the plow and rearward of the sled, affording an over the stern releasable and retrievable trenching plow of sufficient weight and strength to excavate a three meter trench in a single pass. To assess the protective capabilities of the trench, a threshold signal indicative of a desired composition of seabed-trench soil is compared with a real-time data signal indicative of the actual to produce an alarm signal when the real-time data signal is not protective-capability compliant with the threshold signal.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Wilson, Michael W N Aberdeenshire, GB 18 24

Cited Art Landscape

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Forward Cite Landscape

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