Bookbinding device having a glue cartridge and, a glue cartridge receiving unit

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9701149
APP PUB NO 20150023766A1





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A glue cartridge (130) comprises a glue tank (101), a rotatable glue spreading roller (104) connected to the glue tank, which is arranged directly below the glue tank (101) and at least one rotation means (106, 107) usable from outside the glue cartridge (130) for rotating the glue spreading roller (104). The glue spreading roller (104) of the glue cartridge is designed so that the form of the glue spreading roller (104) prevents glue from escaping from the glue tank (101) when the glue spreading roller (104) is in place and takes glue from the glue tank (101) when the glue spreading roller (104) is rotated. A block (1360) of sheets to be bound to form a book is set in a bookbinding device (1300), and glue is spread on the spine (1362) of the block (1360) in such a way that glue is obtainable from an exchangeable glue cartridge (130) by using a receiving unit (150) for the glue cartridge (130).

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Huotari, Iisakki Espoo, FI 18 19

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