Structure forming apparatus, method of manufacturing a structure, and structure

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9776344
APP PUB NO 20130071577A1





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Provided is a structure forming apparatus, including: a roller provided to be rotatable, having a length in an axial direction of the rotation, and capable of transmitting an energy beam; a retaining member arranged to face the roller such that a slit region having a length in the axial direction is formed between the retaining member and the roller, and capable of retaining a material to be cured by energy of the energy beam at least in the slit region; an irradiation unit configured to selectively radiate the energy beam to the slit region through the roller to cure the material so that a sheet-like structure is formed; and a take-up reel configured to take up the sheet-like structure thus formed.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Yasukochi, Hiroyuki Kanagawa, JP 21 211

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