Sub-nyquist sampling for bandwidth- and hardware-efficient mobile fronthaul with MIMO processing

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9793996





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A method implemented by a network device in a wireless system is provided. The method includes obtaining a plurality of electronic signals and selecting a first group of signals and a second group of signals from the plurality of electronic signals, generating phase conjugated copies of signals in the first group of signals, and aggregating the phase conjugated copies and a second group of signals into sub-bands in a frequency domain via frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM), wherein the phase conjugated copies are spectrally inverted in the frequency domain. The method may include converting the aggregated electronic signal to an aggregated optical signal, and transmitting the aggregated optical signal over a fiber link.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cheng, Lin Atlanta, US 183 1301
Effenberger, Frank Colts Neck, US 90 719
Liu, Xiang Marlboro, US 475 4436

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