Process for producing monolithic film of integrated highly oriented halogenated graphene sheets or molecules

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9809459





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A process for producing an integrated layer (10 nm to 500 μm) of highly oriented halogenated graphene sheets, comprising: (a) preparing a graphene oxide (GO) dispersion having GO sheets dispersed in a fluid medium; (b) dispensing and depositing a layer of GO dispersion onto a surface of a supporting substrate under a shear stress condition that induces orientation of GO sheets to form a wet layer of GO on the supporting substrate; (c) introducing a halogenating agent into the wet layer of graphene oxide and effecting a chemical reaction between the halogenating agent and GO sheets to form a wet layer of halogenated graphene, C6ZxOy, wherein Z is a halogen element selected from F, Cl, Br, I, or a combination thereof, x=0.01 to 6.0, y=0 to 5.0, and x+y≦6.0; and (d) removing the fluid medium.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Jang, Bor Z Centerville, US 668 14959
Zhamu, Aruna Springboro, US 525 11967

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